General Information

Phone: 8(843) 519-42-72


Address: 420066, г.Казань, ул.Красносельская, д.51




Founded in 1995, the department of Electrical Power Systems and Grids is headed by Doctor of Physics and Mathematical Sciences Professor Vladimir Konstantinovich Kozlov.


The department has both bachelor’s (four years) and master’s (two years) programs. The master’s program is titled “Electric Energy Systems, Grids, Power Supplies, their Working Regimes, Sustainability, and Reliability”. There are also graduate programs in “Electronic Technical Systems” and “Instrumentation and Methods of Monitoring of the Environment, Substances, Materials, and Production”.


The department is well-equipped with computers, which are constantly being updated and supplemented. Courses are given with the aid of new technologies and methodologies, including multimedia presentations and computer programs.


The department has a number of programs in place for on-the-job training with local energy sector companies and facilities.


There is much research activity at the department, supported by various sources, primarily the local energy sector.


The department’s students are in demand in all branches of the energy sector, especially so in their area of specialization.


An important role in the educational process is played by “curators”, who take an active part in assisting students and student groups in their studies, research work, and extracurricular activities.