General Information

Phone: 519-42-58


Address: г.Казань, ул. Красносельская, дом 51





Founded in 1992, the department is headed by acting director of the department Docent V.V. Olimpiev.


The department’s students and staff participate in national and international scientific conferences.


The department has carried out contract work with local energy companies, and has an active research life. Teaching staff have been published in leading academic journals.


The following disciplines are taught at the department: “The Mechanics of Gases and Liquids”; “Technical Thermodynamics”; “Plasma Physics”; “Contemporary Problems in Heat Physics of Future Energy Systems”; and others.


Disciplines for master’s degree students include: “Theory of Combustion”; “The Physics of Plasma Technologies”; “Contemporary Issues in Technical Physics”; and others.


The department has creative and scientific ties with many research centers and universities.